Monday, September 9, 2019

Twitter, King of Sports Updates

20 years ago, you had to wait till tomorrow's paper to know the stats and final scores of the big games around the country. Sure there was ESPN and games were broadcast on local channels but it was nothing like it is today. Twitter is now the king of sports updates. If you want to stay up to date you need Twitter. Following athletes, analysts and teams will keep you on top of anything and everything going on.

People to Follow:
LeBron James @KingJames
Image result for lebron james twitter page

Tiger Woods:
Image result for tiger woods twitter page

Tom Brady:
Image result for tom brady twitter page

Don't agree with me? Get on Twitter and see what I mean. You will be up to date, I promise.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog Drew! I read all 3 posts and they could be a bit longer, but overall I like them short like this. You have a good balance of info, pictures, and then letting readers use your tips, and since it's so short they view it as a good time investment. I am also into sports and follow closely (prob not this closely), and I plan to use your tips. Thanks!
